Definition of There is an exception to every rule

1. Proverb. Usually said in a situation when the rule is incorrect and unusable. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of There Is An Exception To Every Rule

there and back
there are
there are many ways to skin a cat
there are none so blind as those who will not see
there are plenty more fish in the sea
there are plenty of fish in the sea
there are two sides to every question
there be
there be dragons
there be monsters
there being
there but for the grace of God go I
there has been
there have been
there is
there is an exception to every rule
there is much to be said
there is nothing new under the sun
there isn't any easy way to say this
there ought to be a law
there oughta be a law
there oughtta be a law
there she blows
there was
there we go
there were
there ya go
there you are
there you go

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